Snail mail exchange: fall is here!

Fall is officially here, and it's time for another Snail Mail Exchange!  This is our fourth exchange now, and I've absolutely loved seeing women across the country {who sometimes don't even know each other} connect through something real and tangible.  And who doesn't love to receive snail mail?!

Here's how it works...

If you decide to participate, I will randomly assign you a snail mail exchange buddy to whom you will send a small, fun snail mail package.  Think handmade, simple, thoughtful.  The point is just sending someone something to make them smile, not spending a ton of money.  And you certainly don't have to make something if you don't feel comfortable with that.  Just think of something YOU would enjoy receiving. 


  • Handwritten notes/cards or encouraging quotes/verses
  • Items from nature
  • Bookmarks
  • Something handmade/sewn/knitted
  • Tea/coffee
  • Simple jewelry
  • Lotion/soaps
  • Little notebooks/school supplies
  • Books you'd like to pass along

{HINT: I was at Michael's the other day, and they have a plethora of inexpensive fun wood, burlap, and chalkboard gifty items - I almost had to be forcibly removed from the aisle.}

We're all unique, so we'll all include different items in our packages. Obviously.   

**But to be fair, just make sure you send MORE than just a note - include at least a few other things.  Put some effort and thought into it - just don't throw it together the day before the deadline, OK?

So, are you in?

Post a comment below and I'll contact you with details (if you don't know me personally, be sure to include your email address).